Turns out individual brains are definitely distinguishable, a new study reports, after decades of researchers believing the opposite was true. Learn how and why in my new story for WebMD. See pg. 13 of the May print and digital issues.
Have you noticed a growing kindness deficit in our culture? A yawning empathy gap, too? I spoke to the authors of The Kindness Advantage: Cultivating Compassionate and Connected Children, who told me that while empathy is to some degree innately biological, it's also a skill that must be fostered and rewarded in order for it to flourish. So tell your kids to put down their phones. And try some of the parenting tips the authors provide here. READ MORE on pg. 30 of May's digital edition of WebMD Magazine.
My cover story with The Daily Show's Trevor Noah is out today! He and I chatted about how he severely bruised his vocal cords—then defied doctors' orders to refrain from speaking—just days before he headlined the Global Citizen Festival: Mandela 100 in his hometown of Johannesburg, South Africa, an event that raised more than $7 billion to eradicate extreme poverty. Read about Noah's subsequent surgery and vocal recovery, his tough childhood during Apartheid's waning days, his remarkable rise to stardom, and how losing his voice could not prevent him from raising it, or awareness, for the world's most vulnerable people. See pg. 31 in the digital issue of WebMD Magazine.
Celebrity Health