_ When Ruby died I honored rituals we normally reserve for people to help me cope with the loss. READ MORE.
Today my daughter is marching with her Brownie Troop in a Memorial Day Parade. Her father, sister and I will cheer her on along the sidelines as we march the route with her. America has many flaws, to be sure. We are divided country. We fight about religion, gun rights, gay rights, women's equality, war. We violently bicker about the correct interpretation of how our freedoms should be defined. That our imperfect nation was built on the backs of slaves continues to both haunt us and harm us—all of us, in so many different ways. So we are a work in progress. Yet if history proves anything, we will continue to hone and improve and make right what we have gotten wrong before, generation after slowly enlightened generation. Today is Memorial Day, and we honor the men and women who have sacrificed their lives for the ideal of America. We owe it to them and their families to live up to that ideal, every single day.
_ My Brownie daughter earns patches when she gains new skills. How come mothers don't get badges for all they do?
_ Dearest stomach: It's time we got real. Because longing for the way we were should be saved for sappy Barbra Streisand movies.
_ Malcolm Gladwell's book "David and Goliath," now available in paperback, offers parents of "different" kids pointed advice—starting with telling your children not to change a thing.
_ Kids around the world report they are pretty happy. But kids who have fewer possessions are happier, and they value education more, too.
_ My mother was always on a diet when I was a girl. My girls have never heard me utter the word, and they never will.
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