When does psychological menacing cross into domestic abuse? Here's my story for webmd.com on coercive control, a term coined by researcher, sociologist, and legal advocate Evan Stark, author of Coercive Control: How Men Entrap Women in Personal Life. READ MORE.
Photo by Protecting the Pacific Ocean Who are the ocean warriors determined to save not only our seas from pollutants, plastics, and over-fishing but humanity itself, since ocean life is integral to all life here on Earth? I'll be spending the next month or so speaking and meeting with these eco soldiers—heroes, all.
iStockphoto Just interviewed John Chirban, Ph.D, Th.D., a lecturer in psychology at Harvard Medical School and author of Collateral Damage: Guiding and Protecting Your Child Through the Minefield of Divorce. According to Chirban, even amicable splits leave lasting and often negative effects in kids, who are forced to navigate divorce's aftermath long after parents have moved on from a rejected partner. While many adults dismiss children's distress as temporary, citing their resilience, a familial breakup can shape who a kid becomes as an adult. I'll post the story when it goes live on WebMD.
Photo by Karsten Moran Just interviewed Adam Alter, author of Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked. He offers a compelling and unnerving trove of evidence that suggests our daily digital habits are often unhealthy and even dangerous at times. Alter outlines exactly how tech titans utilize knowledge of the brain's reward centers and our universal need for feedback to seduce digital users into coming back to their social networks, video games, and apps time and again—and sometimes never leaving them at all. I'll post the story when it goes live on WebMD.
Celebrity Health